El Nuevo tesoro lexicográfico de la lengua española: un museo lexicográfico como base de datos
lexicography, academic dictionaries, NTLLE, lemmatization, graphical variationAbstract
A a sort of lexicographical museum, the Nuevo tesoro lexicográfico de la lengua española (NTLLE) allows quick and easy access to the main bilingual and monolingual dictionaries of Spanish language history, including all those published by the Real Academia Española until 1992. From the frequent use of this tool in the research project «Historia interna del Diccionario de la lengua castellana de la Real Academia Española en el siglo XIX (1817-1852)», we can make a set of considerations about the NTLLE.
These reflections are related to the works contained in the NTLLE and to their use for obtaining linguistic data, to the contrastive analysis of the data and its interpretation in the reconstruction of the history of Spanish lexicon and the history of Spanish lexicography.