El origen etimológico del japonesismo bonzo
Bonze, biombo, antietymological nasal, Spanish Lexicography, Japanese Lexicography, Portuguese Lexicography, Spanish Etymology, Japanese Etymology, Portuguese Etymology, Diccionario de la Real Academia EspañolaAbstract
Two dictionaries of contemporary Spanish (DUE and
DRAE 2014) state that the etymological origin of the word bonzo derives from the Japanese form bonsa. Given the lack of further information concerning this, we will try not only to explain the origin of bonsa, but also to analyse the different theories proposed by several researchers (Gonçalves Viana, Dalgado y Corominas) and existing in foreign dictionaries (MWCD, OED, DFL, LPR, DHLP, DPLP, DOVLI y Zingarelli) about the origin of the Japanese loanword bonzo, in this article.