Información enciclopédica en los repertorios hispanolatinos nebrisenses: Los personajes mitológicos, históricos y literarios del Diccionario (1492) frente a los del Vocabulario (¿1495?)
Nebrija, Hispano-Latin lexicography, encyclopedic informationAbstract
This work delves into the presence of encyclopedic articles in the major texts of Nebrija's Hispano-Latin lexicography: the Diccionario (1492) and the Vocabulario (1495?). Analysis focuses on the classification (quantitative and qualitative) and on the study of the articles that allude to famous characters (mythological, historical, or literary). The final objective is to establish a comparison between the realities attested in both repertoires that allows profiling the characteristics of each one of them. The results show that in the Diccionario the presence of such items is enormously higher and that these allude, fundamentally, to characters that are related to Greco-Latin history and mythology.