Los rastros del búlgaro en la parte judeoespañola de un diccionario trilingüe francés-búlgaro-sefardí.


  • Dora Mancheva Universidad de Sofía-Universidad de Basilea




Lexicography, Sephardic, loan word, Bulgarian, Cyrillic


This article has the purpose of describing the words loaned from
Bulgarian into the local Sephardic variety of the Spanish language, using
the data brought by a lexicographical source from the end of the XIXth century,
specifically relevant to the history of the oriental Judaeo-Spanish.
The Short French-Bulgarian-Hebrew Vocabulary by Daniel Mefanov, is
almost unknown and there is no particular study dedicated to it. It is a
rare source that has the added value of being written in the Cyrillic script,
which avoids the ambiguity in the interpretation of the vav and the yod in
the Hebrew alphabet. Out of 3,000 entries there are about 75 words and
syntagmata which could be attributed or related to a Bulgarian origin. The
article tries to establish the procedures of their adaptation, the areas of life
to which they belong, etc.


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How to Cite

Mancheva, D. (2008). Los rastros del búlgaro en la parte judeoespañola de un diccionario trilingüe francés-búlgaro-sefardí. Cuadernos Del Instituto Historia De La Lengua, (1), 75–86. https://doi.org/10.58576/cilengua.vi1.220



Palabras y Conceptos