A Brief Diachronic Overview Of The Romanian Lexicography Of Literary Terms.


  • Dana-Mihaela Dinu Universitatea din Craiova
  • Mădălina Strechie Universitatea din Craiova




lexicography, dictionary, glossary, poetic and rhetoric terminology


This article aims to give a brief overview of the main stages of
the development of literary terms repertoire, especially of Greco-Latin origin,
in the Romanian lexicography. To achieve this intention, the content
of the article was structured in three parts. In the first part we consider
appropriate to make a short digression about the European lexicographic
tradition of inventorying poetic and rhetorical terms to show, firstly, the
length and extent of this practice and, secondly, to have a comparative
overview of both European and Romanian phenomena and consequently,
to see the similarities and differences between them. Thus, the second part
is a brief outline of the historical and cultural context that specifically
marked the beginnings and development of the Romanian general lexicographic
activity. The last part is a diachronic description and evaluation
of a number of lexicographic works dedicated to Romanian literary terms.
The conclusion to which this research leads is that, in order to establish
a genuine literary practice to support the creation of literary theory, the
poetic and rhetoric terminology had an occasional and limited repertoire,
but in the last century it is fully synchronized to current trends.


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How to Cite

Dinu, D.-M., & Strechie, M. (2010). A Brief Diachronic Overview Of The Romanian Lexicography Of Literary Terms. Cuadernos Del Instituto Historia De La Lengua, (5), 211–237. https://doi.org/10.58576/cilengua.vi5.163


