Entre homonimia y polisemia. La identificación del significante y la definición de los significados.
Lexicography, Lexicology, Etymology, Homonymy, PolysemyAbstract
The criteria for lexicological analysis contribute towards improving
methods of lexicographic practice, in both morphological and semantic
aspects. The privative opposition structure in particular, can determine
the exact definition of synonyms (río ‘river’, arroyo ‘brook’, regato ‘small
stream’). Etymological research is essential in order to avoid confusion
between homonyms (several suffixes -ato), to reveal the complex historical identity of the words regato, rego, riego, riega, reguero, reguera, regajo,
regacho, all traditionally associated with the verb regar (‘to water, irrigate’),
or to establish the relationship between ius (‘law’) and ius (‘sauce’),
regarded until now as homonyms. Finally, we consider it useful to add into
special dictionaries and author lexika the homonyms and polysemes that
are attested in an indirect way in contexts of intentional ambiguity.